Our Mission
At Restoration, our mission in to join God in the restoration of my life, our church, and our city. Throughout the liturgical year we will emphasize each part of our mission in turn to focus the Restoration family on the work of God in the life of his people.

Every person was made to know and love God and we know him most deeply and fully through worship. As we come to him, he saves, heals, and delivers us and we are transformed to be like Jesus. We call each person to join in God’s work of restoring his or her life through worshipping with the Church and daily personal devotion that leads us to know him more fully and be made whole.
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

The Church is imperfect and yet we are committed to love each other because Jesus died to save his people, his holy Church. We are committed to honest community and welcome everyone to a relationship marked by acceptance, discipleship, and service. We call our church family to join in God’s work of restoring our Church by committing to relationships that model Christ’s self sacrificial love and faithfulness.
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35

Our mission is to seek God’s best for every person in our community as we participate in his mission to restore everything he has created. We ask for open eyes to see the needs of our neighborhood and the world as we extend the hospitality and healing of Jesus to all people. We call everyone to join in God’s work of restoring our city by practicing hospitality in our homes, meeting the needs of those in great need, and taking the good news of Jesus to the nations.
“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” Jeremiah 29:7
Our Story
We chose the name Restoration because God’s mission throughout the Bible and the history of the Church is to bring restoration to his people. Our purpose to join God in his work of restoring our lives, church, and city. We take joy in Jesus’s words from Revelation 21:5 “Behold, I am making all things new,” knowing that he invites us to join him in the work that he is already doing.

The Early Days
In 2008 the Rev. Jed Roseberry and his wife Stacy felt called to plant a church and began the process of discerning where God was leading them. He opened doors in Addison and began to stir a desire in a small group of friends and supporters to form a new Anglican church. A core group was sent out from Christ Church Plano in fall of 2009 and others in the area joined the team as they prepared for Restoration’s launch.
In October 2009 Restoration held its first public worship service in a vacant restaurant and began growing in the North Dallas area. In those early years, Restoration worshipped in several locations before discerning God’s call to root us in Richardson among the neighborhoods where many of us lived and worked. Since 2015, Restoration has held services at Slate Event Center and served the Richardson, Plano, and North Dallas area.

Restoration is a church in the worldwide Anglican Communion that includes over 80 million members in over 160 countries. Our roots are in the Church of England and our worship strikes a balance between the historical, liturgical worship of the ancient Church and the Biblical emphasis on salvation by faith of the Reformation.
The liturgy of the Anglican church comes from the Book of Common Prayer and is thoroughly infused with scriptures that guide us to worship together in a way that allows us to know God more truly and worship him more faithfully. It also provides a form for us to regularly practice the sacraments that Jesus gave to his disciples: baptism and eucharist (also called the Lord’s Supper).
Restoration is a member church in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), a province in the United States and Canada for Anglican congregations. Within the ACNA, Restoration belongs to the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO) led by our bishop, Todd Hunter, who oversees existing congregations and new church plants.